Preformed vitamin A (retinol and retinal esters) is a fat-soluble vitamin needed for many bodily functions including vision, the immune system, and cellular communication. Unlike provitamin A carotenoids found in plant-based foods, preformed vitamin A is found in animal-based foods.
Sources of Preformed Vitamin A:
Preformed vitamin A is found in the following
animal products:
Liver: Highest in
retinol, liver from beef, chicken, and other animals is one of the highest
Fish: Some fish
like salmon have preformed vitamin A.
Eggs: Egg yolks have
some retinol.
Dairy: Whole
milk, cheese, and butter are sources of preformed vitamin A.
These are retinol in a usable form.
Preformed vitamin A does:
Vision: Retinol is part of rhodopsin, the protein in the eye that absorbs light, for normal vision.
Immune System: Helps produce and function white blood cells, to fight off infections.
Cell Growth: Retinoic acid from retinol controls gene expression for cell differentiation and growth.
So you see, vitamin A is important.
Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA)
RDA for preformed vitamin A varies by age, sex, and life stage:
Adult Men: 900 mcg RAE/day
Adult Women: 700 mcg RAE/day
Pregnant Women: 770 mcg RAE/day
Lactating Women: 1,300 mcg RAE/day
Note: These are total vitamin A intake from preformed vitamin A and provitamin A carotenoids.
While vitamin A is necessary, too much preformed vitamin A can cause toxicity, hypervitaminosis nausea, headache, dizziness, and severe liver damage. Chronic high doses can also cause bone loss and birth defects if taken during pregnancy. So follow the recommended intake and consult your healthcare provider before taking vitamin A supplements.
Preformed vitamin A is best for vision, maintaining the immune system, and healthy cell growth. Liver, fish, eggs, and dairy products are high-protein vitamin A that meet your daily needs. But be sure to balance it to avoid harm. Moderation and professional guidance is key in planning your diet
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